CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a language used to style and layout web pages. It separates a web page's presentation from its content, allowing for greater flexibility and consistency in design. CSS defines styles for HTML elements and is a fundamental technology for creating attractive and user-friendly websites.


Cover Image for Level up your Tailwind game

Level up your Tailwind game

Use Tailwind like you mean it! Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this article will help you navigate Tailwind CSS and expand your knowledge with advanced practices.



Cover Image for Tailwind Merge: clean your code by removing conflicting styling

Tailwind Merge: clean your code by removing conflicting styling

Tired to have lots of redundant overlapping tailwind classes in your components? Tailwind Merge will sweep redundancy for you!

Cover Image for hypercolor.dev - Cool Tailwind Gradients

hypercolor.dev - Cool Tailwind Gradients

Need some cool gradients for your website?
